LOST Media Mentions - DarkUFO

EW - Must List Live


This week on Must List Live!, we're celebrating Lost's upcoming 100th episode by selecting our favorite episodes ever, and the picks may surprise you. Also geeking out is the Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons, who stops by to discuss why he loves American Idol's Adam Lambert. Still not enough? Well, we're breaking down the new Wolverine movie and also continuing out Comic-Con giveaway, handing out FREE passes to the convention as well as a hotel room and entry to our exclusive EW Comic-Con party (which last year featured stars from Lost, Star Trek, Heroes, and Battlestar Galactica). Just watch the clip below for a chance to win. It's that freakin' easy! (And, as always, all the sexy and delicious contest fine print can be found right here.) The show is broken up into two parts, so stay tuned after the first one ends.

Source: EW

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