LOST Media Mentions - DarkUFO

Lost Channels Ancient Egyptian Legend to Explain Smoke Monster

The big question on last night's Lost, "Dead is Dead" might have been "What's in the shadow of the statue?" but our question is "What is the statue, and what does it have to do with the smoke monster?" To get the answer, PM turned to James P. Allen, a Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies at Brown University.

As Ben explored the chamber beneath the Others' temple that seems to be Smokey's lair, he comes across a variety of hieroglyphics etched into the walls. But one in particular caught his eye: A strange creature kneeling in front of a snake-like (Smokey-the-monster-like?) entity. The creature on the right looks like it could easily resemble the four-toed statue. Even though the only full-size glimpse we've had of the statue was from the back, many are speculating that the statue is of Anubis, the Egyptian god associated with the afterlife who protects the deceased and guides them to the great beyond. Anubis is usually portrayed as half-jackal (top), half-human (bottom).

Full article: Popular Mechanics

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