LOST Media Mentions - DarkUFO

Thanks to Donna for the heads up

Lost: DHARMA Chameleon
One of the greatest moments of Lost this past season came in the episode "LaFleur," when our stranded, time-sick Islanders landed back in 1974 and met up with the original DHARMA Initiative crew. But then something grand happened. We skipped ahead from 1974 to 1977. Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Miles and Faraday, not wanting Team Polar Bear to think that they were members of The Others, had joined up, rank and file, with DHARMA. They'd taken jobs. They'd taken homes. They'd taken…lovers? How amazing was it to see Sawyer, the master of the "long con," affectionately settled down in his cookie-cutter home with his new squeeze, Juliet? All of a sudden now, Sawyer was the hero with the girl and he and Juliet had became our new favorite couple to root for. Jack and Kate had dissolved into a dysfunctional nightmare of stolen babies and prescription pills and now our hearts and dreams were squarely invested in the happiness of Pepe LaFleur and his sexy blonde motor-pool honey. As bad as things got messed up for them by the end of the season, at least these two got to have three quiet years of peace and harmony. That's more than you can say for anyone else that got…lost.

Source: Full Article @ IGN

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