LOST Media Mentions - DarkUFO

Thanks to Rosland for the info.

Eddy Kitsis from LOSTLast we week we profiled Lost's Brian K. Vaughan (Ex Machina) for our series on ‘Getting Lost.' Next up is Lost's dynamic duo of Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. Interviewing them was a little schizophrenic at first, because they tend to answer as one person. When I dug a little deeper, I found this wasn't just an idiosyncrasy for the day. The two have been writing together since they met at the University of Wisconsin – go Badgers.

In case you missed the last installment, this series extends from the ‘Lost-a-likes' series that attempted to point out television shows, movies, or anything else that possessed the Lost x-factor. Now we are changing our focus a little bit, homing in on what inspires the writers of Lost themselves. Where do the sensibilities come from that translate into the rich character drama and eclectic mystery of Lost?

If there is one trend moving from Vaughan to Kitsis and Horowitz, it is the focus on a human dramatic canvas. Lost has always, according to its progenitors, a show firstly about people and second about the mystery they find themselves embroidered in.

What television show, movie, or book inspired you to write?

Annie Hall. Oddly we were both inspired by Woody Allen at young ages.

When writing Lost, what influences do you draw from, if any?

I think we draw from all influences. Books, TV shows, Music, or a conversation with our wives the night before. We'll take inspiration from anywhere.

What is your favorite movie?

The Graduate

What is your favorite comic book?

Y the last man [By Lost Writer Brian K. Vaughan]. (we're biased)

What is your favorite TV series?

Freaks and Geeks.

If you could recommend one TV series, movie, or book to Lost fans looking for some hiatus relief, what would it be?

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Source: BuddyTV

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