LOST Media Mentions - DarkUFO

Have you seen every single episode of Lost multiple times? Do you have complex theories about time travel? If so, then, like many other devoted fans, you might be addicted to Lost.

But how can you be sure? We have a list of 42 signs that you are a confirmed Lost addict. See how many you have to diagnose your addiction.

1. You might be a Lost addict if...you play 4-8-15-16-23-42 in the lottery every week.

2. You might be a Lost addict if...you call your bedroom "The Hatch."

3. You might be a Lost addict if...you request to sit in seat 23B, just like Jack, every time you're on an airplane.

4. You might be a Lost addict if...you'd never vote for President ObAma again if he'd preempted Lost with the State of the Union address.

5. You might be a Lost addict if...you used the data in the Lamp Post to try and triangulate where the Island is.

6. You might be a Lost addict if...your Valentine's Day gift for your girlfriend is an imaginary jar of peanut butter.

7. You might be a Lost addict if...you want to be in a plane crash so you can find the Island.

8. You might be a Lost addict if...you learned French just to understand Rousseau's radio transMission.

9. You might be a Lost addict if...you learned Korean just to avoid having to read subtitles.

10. You might be a Lost addict if...you learned Latin as a precaution incase you were captured by the Others.

Head over to BuddyTV to see the rest of the list

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